Middelburg is located on the former Zeeland island of Walcheren and has a population of 42,000. The town was founded in the 9th century.
Before the States General settled in The Hague, Middelburg was where meetings were held. The town was one of the most important cities in the time of the VOC and the WIC; trade brought Middelburg much wealth, which can still be seen in the beautiful buildings in the city centre.
Well-known are the Kloveniersdoelen, the Abbey Tower, the Town Hall and of course the Lange Jan, the symbol of Middelburg.
But Middelburg is a cosy town with its many restaurants and museums.
Starting point Holy Grail and Pirate Game
Rouaansekaai 13, Middelburg
Starting point Outdoor Cityquiz
The Outdoor Cityquiz can start anywhere.